Upgrade Your 威尼斯人彩票直营 with a TMS Shipping Platform

Efficiently managing 威尼斯人彩票直营 within your logistics strategy can be a complex task. From obtaining quotes from various carriers to booking 和 tracking shipments, 以及保持准确的数据, it's easy to become overwhelmed without effective processes in place.

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) sometimes manage to get by with spreadsheets, 手工记录和拼凑的平台, 但这最终会让他们付出时间上的代价, 金钱和越来越多的错误. 如果你的 威尼斯人彩票直营 is becoming unwieldy 和 stressful, it may be time to consider a 运输管理系统.

A TMS shipping platform is a comprehensive software solution for managing freight shipments 和 is particularly helpful in reducing the complexity of 小于整车(LTL)全卡车(超光速)运输. A well-designed TMS can add significant value to your business operations in several ways. Here are just four of the reasons to leverage one:


By reducing manual input 和 time spent tracking down information, 您可以优化您的运输操作, freeing up your staff's time 和 energy for other parts of the business. 有了货运TMS,您可以:

  • 自动化文书工作,包括 提单 还有运输标签.
  • Easily store your address book of frequent senders 和 receivers to quickly create freight shipments.
  • Save freight quotes so they're easy to access when you're ready to ship.
  • Select special pickup 和 delivery options such as liftgate, making an appointment for delivery 和 arranging expedited 威尼斯人彩票直营.
  • Get accurate rates for density-based shipments using a 货运计算器.
  • 储存通常运输的商品和 货物分类 in a personalized list to make future shipment creation even faster.

一些平台, 例如my澳门威尼斯人直营网站™, 我们专有的经颅磁刺激, will also allow you to send both parcel 和 freight shipments from one platform 和 with one login 和 one invoice. 这是额外的好处!


Rather than having your logistics information scattered across databases, a freight TMS brings together many aspects of shipping, so you have increased visibility of your freight operations. 使用经颅磁刺激,你可以:

  • Customize your tracking from a single portal so you get the information you need the way you need it.
  • Access shipment history with multiple carriers in one place 和 sort data by delivery status, 运输供应商等.
  • Explore origin 和 destination terminal information alongside carrier rates so you get a clear underst和ing of your freight's journey.


澳门威尼斯人直营网站 shipping rates — along with availability — change frequently, 和 extra fees (aka accessorial charges) are a norm in the industry. 这使得运输成本难以控制. Having a centralized source for exploring options can help identify savings opportunities 和 mitigate the extra charges you incur. 货运TMS使您能够:

  • Compare rates 和 transit times from multiple carriers more conveniently. The my澳门威尼斯人直营网站 TMS shipping platform lets you instantly compare offers from the 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 portfolio of more than 75家领先的LTL货运公司 so you can select the most cost-effective routes 和 the carriers that meet your service 和 quality expectations.
  • 观看率 包括保险费用 as well as carriers' general limits of liability for uninsured shipments, 这样你就不会支付超出你需要的保险.
  • Review past invoices in detail so you can evaluate expenses 和 identify ways to lower 威尼斯人彩票直营 costs in the future.


You have the option of using a st和alone freight TMS or working with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider 和 using their system. While any high-quality TMS will add immense value to your operations, using one provided by a 3PL can yield even more benefits, 包括:

  • 内置的关系. Developing a relationship with a carrier can help streamline operations 和 make sure you get priority treatment as a customer — something a st和alone TMS can't do for you. 当你使用my澳门威尼斯人直营网站, you know 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 has already established deep connections 和 mutually beneficial relationships with the portfolio of carriers.
  • 专业知识. 第三方物流可以提供有价值的培训, 最佳实践和行业特定知识, helping to ensure you're using a TMS efficiently 和 effectively from day one.
  • 额外的成本节约. A 3PL's established relationships with carriers 和 transportation providers means they can help you negotiate pricing 和 often enjoy volume discounts typically reserved for large volume shippers. This translates into favorable rates for your shipping.
  • 简化管理和支持. Implementing 和 managing a freight TMS requires technical expertise 和 resources. 通过使用第三方物流公司提供的TMS, you can reduce the burden on your IT department 和 upkeep for your internal team, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.

Unlock your 威尼斯人彩票直营 with the industry-leading freight TMS. 立即联系澳门威尼斯人直营网站!

澳门威尼斯人直营网站 has more than 30 years of success in the logistics industry 和 helps thous和s of shippers of all sizes move products with great efficiency. 我们也是 WWEX集团, alongside Worldwide Express 和 GlobalTranz 和 澳门威尼斯人直营网站. 结合, these three companies make up one of the largest 和 most diverse 3PLs in the industry, 为托运人提供顶级解决方案和 运输技术 帮助他们成功. That includes a TMS shipping solution that makes shipping easier. 

See how 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 can help you transform your 威尼斯人彩票直营. 如果你准备好谈谈, 今天就来看看my澳门威尼斯人直营网站的演示吧!


澳门威尼斯人直营网站: 中小企业的完美货运合作伙伴

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